National Service Program Development and Support

The Farallon Strategies Team built some of the earliest climate focused fellowship and AmeriCorps programs in the United States. Our team now works at this intersection of climate and national service to help improve existing programs and catalyze the development of new national service initiatives focused on climate and community resilience. Our experience and understanding of these domains allows us to connect critical resources, support relationship development, and craft solutions that unlock the power of national service as a strategy for change.

For inquiries, please contact Kif Scheuer

Project Descriptions

America’s Service Commission - Climate Corps Working Group Support

Farallon Strategies has helped the network of AmeriCorps state commissions navigate the climate service landscape by hosting a monthly Climate Working Group call, offering technical assistance “office hours” for commissions, and collating technical and operational resources. From this work and our other activities, Farallon Strategies has created a first of its kind “Climate Corps Resource Hub” that combines profiles of existing state climate corps initiatives, a comprehensive database of resources, and a toolkit to help guide development of statewide climate corps initiatives.

Michigan Office of Climate and Energy - MI Healthy Climate Corps

Based on our work with the Michigan Community Service Commission, Farallon Strategies has partnered with the State’s Office of Climate and Energy to design, develop, and launch the MI Healthy Climate Corps.  Starting in early 2024, the MI Healthy Climate Corps will field a cohort of 30+ AmeriCorps members who will provide critical support to communities tackling climate change. To help launch this innovative program, the Farallon team worked on program design concepts, stakeholder coordination, content development, and selection of the implementation partner. As the program gets underway, Farallon Strategies will continue to support the rollout, but also will provide strategic support for the Office’s efforts to strengthen federal to state resource alignment.

CivicWell - CivicSpark Expansion

Farallon Strategies is playing an advisory and support role for CivicWell’s key program CivicSpark. The Farallon Strategies team supported expansion efforts in Colorado and Washington through program design support, stakeholder engagement, and program content development. Farallon Strategies is supporting a national expansion effort in the SouthEastern U.S. through strategy development, stakeholder engagement, and proposal development.

ServeWA - Climate Corps Strategy

Farallon Strategies assisted the Washington State Service Commission – ServeWA – with Governor’s Office coordination, identification of needs and capacity from the field and support for development and ultimately passage of HB 1176/SB 5247 the “Washington Climate Corps Network.” Farallon Strategies worked with ServeWA leadership to develop the overall network concept, bill language, and corresponding budget request. In parallel Farallon Strategies supported initial service program development activities including stakeholder feedback on draft grant guidelines, program content, and communications strategies that directly led to the final design and launch of the Washington Climate Corps Network.

Conservation Trust for North Carolina - Resilience Corps Strategy

Farallon Strategies supported an effort by the Conservation Trust for North Carolina to develop a statewide resilience AmeriCorps strategy. Through stakeholder outreach and engagement and a resilience risk and response landscape assessment, Farallon Strategies collated and categorized the existing capacity of, and potential opportunity for, resilience focused service support across the state. Findings formed the backbone of a strategy for the organization’s new Resilience Service Network.

Volunteer Florida - Service Strategy and Partner Engagement

Farallon Strategies supported Volunteer Florida’s efforts to build understanding of service potential through a series of landscape assessments of service need, activity, and organizational interest across different sectors (climate resilience, public health, housing). As part of this process, Farallon Strategies led a custom applicant coaching process that resulted in the launch of 4 new AmeriCorps programs (2 environmental, 1 public health, 1 housing) in Florida.

Michigan Community Service Commission - Climate Corps Strategy Development

Farallon Strategies helped the Michigan Service Commission (MCSC) develop a statewide climate corps strategy and shepherded that strategy through a $1.5 million funding solicitation / grantee selection process. Farallon Strategies worked with the Executive Director of MCSC to identify the appropriate pathway and timing to solicit interested grantees and provided stakeholder engagement (state and local), RFP development, and applicant review support.

Project Examples

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