National Service Program Development and Support
The Farallon Strategies Team built some of the earliest climate focused fellowship and AmeriCorps programs in the United States. Our team now works at this intersection of climate and national service to help improve existing programs and catalyze the development of new national service initiatives focused on climate and community resilience. Our experience and understanding of these domains allows us to connect critical resources, support relationship development, and craft solutions that unlock the power of national service as a strategy for change.
For inquiries, please contact Kif Scheuer
Project descriptions

America’s Services Commission - Climate Corps Working Group Support
Building on a landscape assessment and network support process from 2021, Farallon Strategies is continuing to foster understanding of the climate service landscape for America’s Service Commission members. Leveraging the climate service opportunities memo written in 2021, an extensive database of resources, and decision framework created in early 2022, Farallon Strategies hosts a standing monthly Climate Working Group call, offers technical assistance “office hours” for commissions that have questions or need additional support and through this activity supports introductory conversations and foundational collaborative knowledge exchange and relationship building between the national service community and climate practitioners across the country.
Michigan Community Service Commission - Climate Corps Strategy Development
Farallon Strategies is helping the Michigan Service Commission (MCSC) develop a statewide climate corps strategy and shepherding that strategy through a $1.5 million funding solicitation / grantee selection process. Farallon Strategies is working with the Executive Director of MCSC to identify the appropriate pathway and timing to solicit interested grantees for a statewide climate corps initiative. In support of this Farallon Strategies provides stakeholder engagement (state and local), RFP development, and applicant review support.

CivicWell - CivicSpark AmeriCorps Program Support
Farallon Strategies is playing an advisory and support role for CivicWell’s key program CivicSpark. The Farallon Strategies team is supporting program expansion efforts in Colorado and Washington states through direct outreach, communications support, and proposal development support. Additionally, the Farallon Strategies team is helping provide input and guidance for overall program strategy and refinement by working with the CivicWell leadership on program design and operational improvements through support for staff recruitment and onboarding, strategic planning process support, funding and sponsorship guidance, and representation of CivicSpark to national service networks.
Volunteer Florida - Landscape Assessments
Farallon Strategies is supporting Volunteer Florida’s efforts to build understanding of service potential in different sectors (climate resilience, public health, housing). Building on work started in 2021, Farallon Strategies is implementing a series of landscape assessments of service need, activity, and organizational interest through surveys and interviews. Out of this process, Farallon Strategies is leading a stakeholder engagement process to help interested organizations better understand the potential from AmeriCorps service programming and if appropriate to develop a proposal to Volunteer Florida for funding.